Sunday, September 22, 2013

Best Friends

M and her best friend. We are so blessed to have our travel mates
living 10 minutes away.  They moved here for business after our trip
 to China. Such a small world.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thank Goodness for Insurance

The last 5 months have been eventful for the two of us. Our condo was flooded back in September when our neighbor's toilet came away from the wall. All of our belongings were packed and stored. We've stayed in 2 hotels, a few nights with a friend, a rental and lastly with the grandparents.  We are finally back home.  There are freshly painted walls, new wood/tile floors and bathroom vanities.  Everything but the kitchen was replaced.  Was it worth it? No, I don't think so. M was in a good place back in September.  Sleeping well, making friends, going to gym and the museum.  She seemed secure in her surroundings.  All of these changes do not lend themselves to improving attachment.  I can see the regression.  At least 2 steps back. She adapts well to her circumstances so time will heal.  We are getting back on track.  It saddens me to know her progress was stalled for 5 months.  Luckily, my little girl is resilient. 
P.S.  Florida is a no-fault state so my neighbors weren't held responsible even though as seasonal residents they are required to turn off the water to their unit when gone for long periods of time. Thank goodness for home owners insurance.  Yes, I had to pay the deductible and for upgrades but it would have been so much worse without insurance.  My biggest gripe is with the movers.  Someone felt they needed a Nintendo Wii and Wii Fit with accessories (a very big splurge for a single mom), a tv and 4 area rugs more than than I did. Go figure? Again, it could have been worse.

Now the good!

At the rental house

Aunt Laurie on the beach
