Tuesday, August 2, 2011

We are home!!

It seems like I've been home from China for months but it has only been 10 days. I can not believe M and I have only known each other for three weeks!
My First Glimpse of M in the Flesh

M is wonderful. She did not cry during our initial meeting and has been a laid back baby 95% of the time. I don't think I have laughed so much in years. She truly brightens my day.

M was described as a shy introvert by her SWI. They were so wrong! Her personality is huge and she loves being around people. She has already mastered the fake cry with little fake tears which dissipates instantly when she gets whatever she wants at that moment. And she does get it, as fast as I can get it to her. Right now all I want to do is make her feel loved and secure. We can work on the diva complex later if needed. 

M has the most infectious belly laugh which she shared the day after we met. I can not get enough of her laugh.             
       Good thing she shares it daily.
M being M (with Aunt Laurie)-  Just Adorable!

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