Friday, October 28, 2011

Smokey Mountains with the Grandparents

Madi during the 12 hour drive.  She never would have lasted more than 1 hour in a car seat.
 I think she got a little spoiled. I know I did!!

Cabin in Cherokee

Mom and Dad's RV

Traveling from the RV to the cabin in the cold rain.  I forgot Madi had a new raincoat in the closet.
M's first cheap souvenir

M in her walker wearing pink leopard footy pjs.  She HATES footies but it was chilly. 

Bathing in the sink
We joined Mom and Dad on a two week trip to the mountains to visit my brother's family.  We also made a short detour to Cherokee, TN for 3 days. 

I can't believe Dad and I made it until the last morning before we had a blowout.  Normally, it would be the first day but we were on our best behavior for M's sake.  Don't get me wrong, we love each other but we are soooo much alike that we can easily get on the other's nerves.  Never lasts very long but can lead to hurt feelings in the moment.  Being proactive, I reserved a cabin for a few days during the middle of our stay.   It was wonderful and much needed after sharing a RV for one week with 3 adults and a baby (in a walker). 

We were able to watch my nephew play soccer and earn a new karate belt plus spend time with my lovely niece.  She's 12 yrs old so it won't be long before she ignores us like the plague. 

One interesting thing did happen in Calhoun, GA.  It was the first time I've taken M to a Chinese restaurant,  my dad likes to eat there when we visit the area.  The hostess and our waitress were both fascinated with M.  Their english was very broken but somehow the hostess told me she was from the same city as M but I'm a little wary.  Not that she was being deceptive but I think a translator was really needed for clarity.  The women asked a lot of questions about the adoption and kept touching her throughout the meal.  Finally, one just took her from the stroller (she had been asleep when we arrived).  I must have heard, "she's a lucky girl" a hundred times.  Every time my family tried to relay that we were the lucky ones, the ladies just looked puzzled.  Also, I'm beginning to believe the average Chinese immigrant isn't aware of international adoption which causes confusion.  I didn't get to eat much during the meal and it brought back memories of the lack of personal space experienced in China.  M was completely unphased by the experience and everyone was happy at the end of the meal.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

1st Birthday Bash!

We celebrated M's 1st birthday with loads of family and friends.  She had only met a few family members before the party.  I was very careful not to let her get overwhelmed and I gave explicit instructions that she not be "passed around" to well meaning relatives/friends.  It's still too soon. 

Since the party was at my parents' home, I was able to give her breaks but truthfully she was the belle of the ball.  I swear she loves to be the center of attention.   Everyone had a great time.  
Hmmmmm....  I think I smell cake!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


My friend, Laurie had a great idea to take M to a pumpkin patch for photos. 


Saturday, September 3, 2011

M's New "Hat"

M received this beautiful hand made quilt from one of my Mom's former coworkers.  The gift was mailed to my Mom's address so she snuck a peak.  She was worried that the hat was too large and hot for M (we live in south Florida) but she told her friend it was a perfect.  Well, her friend starting laughing hysterically because it's not a hat - it's a purse!  Doesn't even look like a hat.  It has a long handle and even longer base. 

Needless to say,  I had to take a picture because this one is going on record!!

M and Granny Hanging Out

This is nice.

Ummmm Good!

Like the bib says....

Monday, August 8, 2011

M and her Great-Grandfather or Granddaddy as we say in the south.

I love this picture. New and "old" coming together. 

M visited her 90 yr old great-grandfather this weekend.  They met for the first time last week at his nursing home.  My aunts tell me that he asks about her every day.  My grandfather was a marine stationed in China during the Korean war.  He says that he was stationed 20 miles from Nanchang which is where M and I first met.  I'm not so sure the location is correct but he loves talking about China.  He asked me if there were still camels all over the city.  I thought he was having a "moment" but apparently there were loads of camels used for transportation back in the day.  I so enjoy learning new things from him and hearing stories about his life.  He would never before speak of WW2 or Korea but little M has worked her magic.  He's putty in her little hands.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's so funny?

Please forgive my cackles throughout this video.
M is just so cute!


First time M accepted a pacifier in China.
She was teething and miserable.
Kicked back in China during appointments.  It was so hot!
First time holding a bottle on her own.  One of my favorite purchases from China.
It has a straw which lets her drink from any angle.

First flowers.  A welcome gift from Aunt Laurie.  Thank you!
First carrots.  The look says it all...

We are home!!

It seems like I've been home from China for months but it has only been 10 days. I can not believe M and I have only known each other for three weeks!
My First Glimpse of M in the Flesh

M is wonderful. She did not cry during our initial meeting and has been a laid back baby 95% of the time. I don't think I have laughed so much in years. She truly brightens my day.

M was described as a shy introvert by her SWI. They were so wrong! Her personality is huge and she loves being around people. She has already mastered the fake cry with little fake tears which dissipates instantly when she gets whatever she wants at that moment. And she does get it, as fast as I can get it to her. Right now all I want to do is make her feel loved and secure. We can work on the diva complex later if needed. 

M has the most infectious belly laugh which she shared the day after we met. I can not get enough of her laugh.             
       Good thing she shares it daily.
M being M (with Aunt Laurie)-  Just Adorable!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Update Photos!!

I received updated photos of M on June 22nd.   I was a little sadden by the photos as she doesn't look as happy in these pictures.   I later realized that she is wearing a sweat suit in June.  I have been told it is very hot in southern China during the summer.    Maybe she is really hot, just woke up or I'm being overly sensitive.  I will see her in 8 days which is amazing and  I can make sure she is safe, happy and healthy.

Here's my bundle of joy:

Travel Details

It was one crazy week!  I received Travel Approval on June 22, 2011.  The next day I was given my Consulate Appointment for July 18th and an arrival date in Hong Kong set for July 8th.  I had to contact a travel agent, Todd, who was fantastic and arranged my air travel that night.  I leave at 6:30AM on July 7th, arrive in New York a few hours later and sit around until my flight at 7:30pm.  I don't mind people watching it will be fine.  Oh, I'm traveling solo but my agency group is large with nine families who all seem to be friendly and helpful. 

The most important information:  I will meet M on July 10, 2011.  I'm quite excited and extremely nervous.  I think this is natural but that doesn't alleviate my anxiety.  I have been shopping like a mad women to get everything on my packing list.  I haven't a clue how to get every item in my suitcase. 

Here are some of the more important dates of my schedule:

7/7 Leave the U.S. for Hong Kong.

7/8 Arrive in Hong Kong. 

7/9   Tour in Hong Kong. 

7/10 Leave Hong Kong for Nanchang

Receive your baby at the hotel this afternoon! Congratulations!!

7/15  Leave Nanchang for Guangzhou 

7/16 Have your child’s visa physical and visa photo taken this morning. Bring supplies (water, snack, etc.).

7/18 Today is your Consulate appointment. 
Go to the U.S. Consulate to take the oath in the afternoon. 

7/19 Go to the U.S. Consulate to receive your child’s visa packet

7/20 Leave Guangzhou for Hong Kong, Shanghai or Beijing.    

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dear Leslie: Your package was delivered ,love, Ann

I finally received confirmation the care package was delivered to the orphanage.  Sadly, no new pictures.  It seems that everyone else with children in other facilities have received updated photos.  I admit that I am a little jealous.  Luckily, everyone loves to share their photos with the rest of us and we've learned to live vicariously through others (over the years).   Congrats to those parents!

I've joined a Yahoo group for parents of children from Fuzhou SWI (Social Welfare Institute).   I have been given the name of a gentleman that has had great success obtaining photos of children and foster parents if applicable.  The other good news I've found is that even if she is still in the SWI, she should be in the Half the Sky program funded by donations/grants.  This will allow for more one on one care, physical/emotional development, and resources.  All good.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Care Package

I sent a care package to Baby Fu thru Ann at Red Thread China.  Here are a few pictures of the items I chose.  I hope she receives the baby blanket in time to find some enjoyment and comfort before family day.  I also hope to get the disposable camera back with pictures taken over the next 6 - 8 weeks. 

I've already made one of my first "mistakes" as a new first time mom.  Here is a quote from an email sent by Ann, "The carved tiger jade bracelet is very dangerous for your child age,so I bought a jade bangle for her instead ,it will be safer and more traditional."  Thank goodness someone is monitoring my parenting skills!  I might have hurt Baby Fu before we met one another!  I'm very thankful to Ann for her diligence.

I was hoping to get updated pictures from the orphanage after sending the care package but this particular SWI doesn't send updates very often (according to Ann). I'm quite disappointed. Other facilities in the same province have sent new pictures immediately upon receiving care packages for their children. Just a little bump in the road. We will meet soon enough.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

So Many Wonderful New Friends in the June 06' Room

Sometimes I find it incredible the number of truly wonderful, giving people I have met through my adoption journey.  Just last week I was complaining in the June room on RQ how I could not find a bedding set for the crib.   I spent half a day, visited 6 or 7 stores and traveled all over town looking for bedding.  I even looked at a baby boutique with no luck.  Nada.  Nothing....

2Poodles, a very dear adoptive parent read my "sad" story and offered a beautiful brand new, custom made set.  Complete with the diaper holder, toy holder, bumpers, comforter, bed skirt, pillow, two sets of sheets, the cutest ladybug night light, and sweet sign for the wall.  Imagine my surprise when I opened a tissue wrapped gift and found a beautifully framed picture of Baby Fu!  My coworkers were quite surprised by my squeals of delight.

I might add that 2Poodles (not sure if she wants her real name listed) was referred a gorgeous set of twins in April.  She has been doubly blessed and she passed some of that blessing on to my baby Fu.   I can not thank you enough for your kindness.

I have one more extraordinary person from RQ, BioFrog.  She has been diligently making the cutest buttons for each person in the June 06' room as they receive their referrals.  I asked for two extra buttons, one for my mom and the other for my agency.  She replied that she would be happy to send them my way.  See, wonderful people.   Thank you BioFrog. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Mom's been playing around on the computer...

 Please, Baby Fu needs a name!!


Flower Power!!

My baby doesn't look very happy and her eye is awfully red.


 We seem to have a footwear problem!

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fedex Made a Visit...

When the FedEx woman came to drop off my adoption packet today, I was extremely busy telling clients about my new little one.  I even had a 10 x 12 photo in my hand!  I told her, "You have my baby" and proudly showed her the picture I was holding.  She read the return address of Chinese Children Adoption and immediately understood.  I think she would have been happy to pose for a picture but I was caught totally unprepared.  I thought she would be hours later.  No camera on hand.  Oh well, I'll always remember the moment. 

I tore into the package to find the other three pictures.  She seems to have more hair in one and doesn't look quite as happy as she does in her referral picture.  I worry that she has been in the orphanage for the full time and not in foster care.  I had always hoped she would have more one on one care while she was a baby.   There's nothing I can do about it from here but pray for good health, protection and love from her caregivers. 

I'll have my acceptance papers in the mail tomorrow.  I hope you like the new pictures!

This Is The Face I've Been Dreaming Of...

I would like to introduce:

Baby Fu
Fuzhou SWI, Jiangxi Province

She's healthy, beautiful and I can not wait to meet her this summer.
More information to follow...