Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween - This Year and Last...

Can you see how much she has grown? Same pumpkin shirt, pumpkin patch and church bench. I can't remember M as a baby any longer. She's such a big girl gaining her independence more and more each day. Kind of tugs at her mother's heart.
M dressed up as a cowgirl this year. She was adorable in her cowboy hat.  I don't think her little pumpkin shirt will fit next year but I can't wait to add another picture.  



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time for an update

We had our final post placement visit a few weeks ago.  It's nice to have almost all the paperwork finally behind us with the exception of filing for readoption.

M has come so far in the past 14 months.  I am still working on attachment and making her feel as secure as possible.  She's adding more words but seems to rely on her own language for most things.  She's running, jumping, dancing and enjoying classes at MyG*m.  Growing stronger everyday.  She has a mouth FULL of teeth including her 2.5/3.5 year molars.  Her smile lights up a room and she has a wicked sense of humor. 

While in China, I really connected with one family  (although everyone was wonderful) on a more personal level.  The most amazing coincidence happened a few months ago when they moved to our city.  Their daughter, J, turns 2 this week so she's about 6 weeks older than M.  J was in much better physical shape when we met the girls and continues to exceed expectations.  We get together several times a week including the gym.  M tries to imitate her friend at every opportunity which has been the best "physical therapy".  Plus, we actually have friends and places to go!

Here's a clip of M and J enjoying a video on the computer.  Both had been sick with terrible colds for two weeks.  J's was still lingering.  My girl is on the left.  Doesn't she look happy?!!

Here are a few pictures taken this summer.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It's been a while...

since I posted last.  M is thriving and growing so fast.  She looks like a completely different child than the little baby I saw for the first time a year ago.    She just turned 19 months old on the 28th - where has the time gone?  Months, days, hours, and minutes have passed in a matter of moments. In a happy, exhausted, sleep deprived blur.

This time last year I was filled with anticipation after waiting 6 long years to finally see her face.  It was love at first sight.  She was mine and I was hers forever.  A perfect match.

Taken the day after we met in China, 7/11/11.
First flowers. 7/11

1st Birthday! 10/11

Hanging out with Foofa at the
grandparent's house. 4/12

My tutu girl. 5/12

I can't wait to see what the next year will bring!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Photo Updates

Here are a few recent photos of  M.  She's an accomplished walker (mostly) and loves being able to explore her surroundings.  We are working on speech and building her vocabulary.  M is growing at an amazing rate which is apparent in these pictures.  The child has a full mouth of beautiful teeth and her hair is beginning to fill out.  She still loves looking at books and shamefully, she is a Yo Gab*a Gab*a fan.  
M and Granny

Learning the art of the sippy cup

First booster chair (Wendy's)

Just being cute in her pajamas

M and Foofa

First ear of corn

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Maybe next year?

Maybe next year?

I thought I'd share M's Christmas photo.  Isn't it adorable?!  Really, we tried on two separate occasions to get a smiling Santa picture but she just wasn't having any part.  She was only on his lap for a few seconds because a momma knows when there isn't any chance of saving a situation.  I've seen a lot of crying Christmas baby photos but I think M ranks in the top 10. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I'll write more later but needless to say,  "It was great!".   Of course, M never noticed the tree and she didn't care anything about opening gifts.  I might get some flack but one of the best gifts she received was a DVD player for the car.  She hates sitting in her car seat and the drive to the grandparents takes two hours.  Brutal with a screaming child!!  For her and for me.   M does love Yo Gab*a Gab*a so the drive home from Granny and Pop Pop's house was peaceful.  Priceless...

Is she excited about her new toy or is she yawning?
First Stocking

M and Granny admiring her gifts.

Enjoying her new DVD player on the way to a family Christmas dinner. 

All she ever really wanted...
But, she would need someone to refill the basket every 2 minutes.

The other thing she LOVES.